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Why Sarah Palin could be the most important person you don’t know. 30 August, 2007

Posted by David Anderson in Election 2008, Sarah Palin.

palin-2007-state-of-the-state.jpgLeadership Works. 

There is a movement to draft Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for VP.  Alaska’s Governor– Sarah who?  I could here many of you asking that before I even get going.  Yes, people all over this nation are joining a movement to draft the new governor of Alaska.

She almost singlehandedly stopped the Alaska GOP from imploding like Ohio’s in the last election.  She did it by making a career of standing for the people and being a crusader against corruption.  She has a 90% approval rating.  She is the embodiment of the modern conservative that I described on Dovercitizen.  The establishment hates her.  The people love her.

She is a fiscal conservative in government not just campaigns.  She line itemed vetoed 13% of the state’s capital budget.  She is uncompromisingly pro-life in a state which is lukewarm on the issue.  She is pro-gun owner as is the rest of the state. Traditional wisdom says she might be controversial.  Yes, the media, money and party establishments unloaded both barrels to on her in the primary and general elections.  She won anyway.  Now she is the most popular governor in America.  Why? She is the only one with the courage to clean up government and fix the mess Republicans and Democrats left.

She is smart,  honest, competent, outspoken, and courageous.  Unfortunately, this is not the image of the typical Republican today.  It should be.  Gov. Palin may be charting the course back to the GOP being a majority party.  I hope we follow it whether or not she is drafted. 

Here is a great article by Fred Barnes– Sarah Palin the GOP’s Newest Star



1. Stephen R. Maloney - 31 August, 2007

David, superb piece. I put links to both your pieces on Sarah in my column today. I always admire people who are political realists, and you certainly fit the bill. Glad to be on the same side.

steve maloney

2. Stephen R. Maloney - 1 September, 2007

David, any Palin fans who visit your site that want to sign up as Palin Fans should contact Adam (who started the Draft Palin Movement) at palinforvp@gmail.com. His site is worth visiting: http://palinforvp.blogspot.com/

Our goal is to show that there’s tremendous support in the blogosphere for Sarah. We are trying to point that out as forcefully as possible to each of the leading presidential candidates. We have some contact with all them.

steve maloney
national coordination team (note: everyone who strongly support sarah is on this team)

David’s support is very important to this effort.

3. David Anderson - 2 September, 2007

Thanks. You have picked a winner.

4. Alan Coffey - 3 September, 2007

She sounds good. We need to know more.

Maybe a Paul/Palin ticket?

5. Bobo - 4 September, 2007

I was under the impression that every member of the GOP from Alaska was under investigation for corruption. Why do we want yet another crook?

6. David Anderson - 4 September, 2007

You are totally misinformed. Why do you think her approval rating exceeds 90% now? She made her career busting corruption no matter who is the perpertrator. One could say she risked her career with little hope of redemption.

The Alaska GOP has a lot of good members not touched by corruption and so do the democrats who had their share of problems. The deal is none of them where willing to risk everything to clean up the state before it was too late. She stood virtually alone against a corrupted media, law enforcement, business establishment and political establishment.

I encourage you to do more research. I have been watching her for a few years and became an admirer.

7. Aakash - 13 September, 2007

I didn’t even know that Alaska had a conservative Republican female Governor. I was just IMing with a young conservative who used to be here in Illinois, but is now in Montana, doing political work.

I think it would be neat to go to a state like Alaska, and do campaign work there. I know that the state is conservative overall, but it must be easy for principled and independent-minded people to do well there.

That would make it very different from here in Illinois!

8. :: Suzanne :: - 29 November, 2007

Yes Yes – the Paul/Palin ticket. What great news taht would be.

9. trueconstitutionalist - 9 April, 2008

It is time for a reform GOP ticket. Palin deserves attention.

10. trueconstitutionalist - 9 April, 2008

Gov. Palin cut Alaska’s requested eamarks in the federal budget down from 550M to under 200M and from 54 to 31 projects. How many governors are saying they want less federal money? She is trying to provide leadership which would restore the state’s reputation after the bridge to no where.

11. I am still a Sarah Palin Fan. | DelawarePolitics.net - 15 April, 2008

[…] state’s reputation after the bridge to no where.  This is one more illustration why this Governor is an example for a revived, reformed […]

12. kavips - 12 May, 2008

I saw her debate back in ’06. I have to agree she is exemplifies a direction the Republicans need to take…..

13. david anderson - 13 May, 2008

I agree. She isn’ t perfect but compared to some of what passes as leadership in America, she looks like a gift from heaven.

14. Could it be Sarah Palin? | DelawarePolitics.net - 29 August, 2008

[…] too. Way to go McCain. For More information on the next Vice President of the United States. https://stoptaxing.wordpress.com/2007/08/30/why-sarah-palin-could-be-the-most-important-person-you-do… […]

15. Mad Cabbie - 29 August, 2008

All I know is that she is hot middle aged chic for a politician!

16. David Anderson - 29 August, 2008

LOL–all that and brains too Cabbie.

We know this woman can balance budgets (two state budgets), cut spending, improve the lives of average people, attack corruption, and run a government. The democrats can’t show one day of doing that.

17. Bob - 29 August, 2008

To the writer: CONGRATS on superb foresight. Very impressive!

18. Vicki Verdane - 30 August, 2008

Agreed. Superb foresight. As Sarah would say, you “hit the nail on the head”. Now the entire country can get to know her firsthand….and there’s a lot of depth and substance there. This should be fun. Congratulations Sarah!

19. Getting To Know Sarah Palin - 19 December, 2008

[…] Stop overTaxing Our People: She almost singlehandedly stopped the Alaska GOP from imploding like Ohio’s in the last […]

20. Democrats Using “Bulls-Eyes” and Calling for Violence, Not the Tea Party - 10 January, 2011

[…] her then, LONG BEFORE any map by Palin or any tea party. There WAS NO TEA Party in 2007.  Sarah Palin was a governor in Alaska.  Her “target map” was 3 years away.#2  Democrats and liberals, such as […]

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